School of Athens
Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

Ancient Narratives: A Tapestry of Texts
Embarking on a journey through the annals of ancient wisdom, this bibliography serves as a lighthouse for those navigating the vast seas of philosophical thought. From the idealistic visions of Plato's republic to Aristotle's empirical observations of the natural world, each entry in this collection is a beacon, guiding readers to the shores of understanding and reflection. The compilation endeavors to bridge the chasm between the metaphysical and the material, offering a comprehensive view of the ancient narratives that have shaped the discourse of philosophy. It is within these texts that the foundational questions of existence, ethics, and knowledge are not only asked but explored through the ages, providing a tapestry of texts that invites contemplation and debate.
Furthermore, this bibliography acknowledges the invaluable contributions of thinkers like Averroes, whose commentaries on Aristotle reintroduced the Aristotelian philosophy to the West and bridged the cultural divide between the Islamic world and Christian Europe. Averroes, known as the Commentator in the Latin West, exemplifies the cross-cultural exchange of ideas and underscores the universality of philosophical inquiry. Through the inclusion of such figures, the collection emphasizes the interconnectedness of human thought and the ongoing dialogue between different cultures and epochs. This is not merely a list of references but a curated journey through time, inviting readers to engage with the minds that have illuminated the path of wisdom through the darkness of ignorance.
The School of Athens
Painting Archive:
Santi, Raffaello. Philosophy (The School of Athens). 1509, fresco, Apostolic Plaza, Vatican City. Accessed on 6 Mar. 2024.
Writing Prompt:
Prompt Artisit. “What are AI Prompts?: AI Prompt: Giving Instructions to AI Systems.” Medium, 27 July 2023, Accessed on 6 Mar. 2024.
Marino, Mark C. “Secrets to writing ChatGPT PROMPTS.” Medium, 27 Sep. 2023, Accessed on 7 Mar. 2024.
Marino, Mark C. “How to EVALUATE what ChatGPT’s writing.” Medium, 10 Nov. 2023, Accessed on 7 Mar. 2024.
Marino, Mark C. “The Perfect Tutor: an AI writing exercise.” Medium, 2 Feb. 2024, Accessed on 7 Mar. 2024.
Kampouris, Nick. “The School of Aristotle: One of the First Universities in the World.” Greek Reporter, 28 May 2023, Accessed 6 Mar. 2024.
Shields, Christopher. "Aristotle", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Winter 2023, Accessed 6 Mar. 2024.
Kraut, Richard. "Plato", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring 2022, Accessed 6 Mar. 2024.
Korab-Karpowicz. W. J. “Plato: Political Philosophy”, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Accessed 7 Mar. 2024.
"Averroës". Encyclopaedia Britannica, edited by Erwin I.J. Rosenthal, 14 Feb. 2024, Accessed 7 Mar. 2024.
Hillier, H. Chad. “Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126—1198)”, The Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy, Accessed 7 Mar. 2024.
Kenny, Madelyn. “Hypatia’s Forgotten History, and How Raphael Saved It.” 12 July 2023, ArtRKL, Accessed 12 Mar. 2024.
Deakin, Michael. "Hypatia". Encyclopedia Britannica, 26 Feb. 2024, Accessed 13 Mar. 2024.
"The Dichotomy of Thought: Plato and Aristotle's Philosophical Dialogue"
"Plato and Aristotle: How Do They Differ?". Encyclopedia Britannica, written by Brian Duignan, 14 Feb. 2018, Accessed 12 March 2024.
"Alexander the Great Meets Diogenes the Cynic"
Duckworth, E. J. “ALEXANDER the GREAT in RAPHAEL's SCHOOL of ATHENS.” E-Arthistory, 11 Nov. 2017,